Saturday, February 5, 2011

Grey's Effect on my Anatomy

I've blogged about how much I struggle with worry and stress. Well, besides the physical benefits of exercise I'm definitely experiencing great emotional benefits as well. Lately, I've been a major hypochondriac...which is something I've never really struggled with until the past few months. I notice every little pain and discomfort in my body and I freak out. I get on webmd and within minutes I have a diagnosis that of course is something tragic and horrible. I'm then consumed with worry and stress...which affects me physically...even to the point of panic attacks sometimes. I really think all this began when I started watching Grey's Anatomy. Sounds silly I know. We started watching them online, so we'd just watch one after the other, several in a week. Film is so powerful. It can create these intense emotional responses...that for me in this instance actually turned into compulsive behavior. Don't get me wrong the emotional aspect of film and tv is what draws me to it...I love it. But when it causes me to get in the pits of despair, it's time to shut it down.

So back to exercise. My body and mind just feel so refreshed afterwards. And really while I'm excising as well. It's carved out time in my day when I actually let go of worries and stress. It's when I'm sitting in the recliner watching TV or surfing the web when I get anxious and basically when I'm lazy. This has been an especially great discovery for me because I'm currently jobless. I'm alone all day and have the opportunity to just sit on my rearend and wallow in despair.

Today at the library I picked up a book called Praying with the Body: Bringing the Psalms to Life. In it are exercises to do while praying morning, midday, and evening prayers. I'm kind of excited about this. I think the best way to approach this new lifestyle is body, mind, and soul must work together.


  1. This is Mom again. I guess I have to use Dad's account unless I want to create another one...not now anyway. This is great, Mers. I would love to look at the book you found on the Psalms. They have become so meaningful to me lately. You are an amazing track and I am so proud of you. Love you bunches! MOM

  2. AMEN! I totally agree with the fact that it needs to be an inside and outside thing. I really enjoy doing yoga and feel like I can pray while I'm doing it, especially at the end when you just lay there. A lot of times people that teach yoga dvd's or classes talk about other weird spiritual stuff that I really don't agree with after the work out when you just lay there and relax and that's the point when I try to focus on Jesus. I just focus on him and rest in His presence and it's WONDERFUL. I hope that book is good. Can't wait to hear about it!
