Monday, August 29, 2011


Well friends, August was not my best month! I don't know about you but when I don't have a regular routine it throws everything outta wack! I finished a summer job August 2nd, moved into a new place that weekend and settled in and unpacked the next week, got sick for a few days, then went on a 10 day trip. Needless to say I rarely exercised and we ate out a whole lot....which always makes it hard to make good choices. AND needless to say...I didn't lose any weight this month. Blah...such a disappointment. I got back in town Saturday and started a new job today, things are falling back into place and I'll be on a regular routine again.

I definitely lack some self discipline. I don't use my time wisely during these times. I don't plan ahead. I put things off. And I put things off until they never happen at all.

I need some help in this department...

What do you do to help you during these seasons? How do you stay disciplined on vacation? Or when you lack a routine?

1 comment:

  1. I struggle too Mer. I weighed myself this morning and discovered that I have gained weight. Boo! I'm just taking it as motivation to hop back on the healthy living wagon. Don't be too hard on yourself. These things happen sometimes. You're doing GREAT! I'm so proud of you! You are more disciplined that you give yourself credit for!! Love you!!
