Monday, May 30, 2011

the secret to weight loss

This is the really the first time I've experienced SUCCESS in weight loss. And I've discovered the secret. You probably won't find it in Redbook magazine, so put away your $3.95 plus tax and simply read these words....

That's it! That is the secret! Maybe this is bad news to you. At first it was to me. I thought...You mean I have to exercise regularly? I have to eat smaller portions and healthy foods consistently? And after all that work I might only lose a pound or two a week?! YUP! But are you sure there isn't some exotic diet that has been discovered by a remote village that will elliminate the fat in my body? Maybe there is an herb or leaf I can just rub on my belly or the juice of some plant that will flush all the fat out? NOPE! Slow & steady wins the race!

Here is some better news if you're still feeling like this secret is bad news. The slow and steady race is actually really FREEING! I don't have a deadline. I don't have the pressure to lose 10 lbs in 10 days, or 3 pants sizes in 3 months. I don't have to survive with no carbs, no sugar, no taste. The pressure is off. And along the way, I'm changing not only on the outside but also the inside. I can guarentee you - you will not be changed on the inside on a 15 day diet. And you probably won't keep off any of the weight you lose. You definitely won't learn new habits or learn to love health and wellness. You'll dread, loathe, despise it. And you know what the equals....DEFEAT. Which, in case you're wondering, is pretty much the opposite of FREEDOM.

So this is my advice for you to get started on your slow & steady race...Start ONE healthy habit and do it for a few weeks or even a couple months. Just pick one thing. I think the first thing I did was cut out caffeine. You don't have to cut out anything completely. I chose to because it was causing other health issues but you could just cut down. Or maybe if exercise is completely foreign to you, try exercising just 1 day a week....or just 10 minutes a day. Whatever you do, make it small. I think that's why I've failed so many times...I set completely unrealistic, unattainable expectations that I could not meet and I felt DEFEATed and gave up. Set yourself up to succeed! And then when you feel like you're getting the hang of that one thing add something else or add some intensity to what you're already doing.

That is the secret...and it didn't cost a thing!

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